Many people consider their hair to be a significant part of their identities. So they style their coifs in ways they believe are attractive. But the 7 million women, men and children in the U.S. who have alopecia areata (AA) don’t necessarily have that opportunity. This autoimmune disease causes them to lose their hair, usually on their scalps.
But professional medical help is available. By emphasizing the importance of excellent dermatological care, the office of Dermatology for the Family is dedicated to helping every patient enjoy the benefits of healthy skin. We provide a comprehensive and specified program of care designed to treat each patient’s skin condition. Some mild forms of AA resolve on their own, but see a dermatologist as soon as your notice symptoms.
An autoimmune disease means that your body’s immune system attacks parts of your body. AA hones in on healthy hair follicles. It frequently presents itself as one or more round scalp patches the size of a quarter. The hair vanishes suddenly or over the course of a few days, weeks or months. It can even spread to the eyebrows, eyelashes, limbs and facial hair.
AA is sometimes activated by a major event, such as a trauma or sickness, and genetic history can also play a part. It often starts in childhood or adolescence but can affect those well into adulthood. And contrary to popular belief, stress does not spur AA.
Treatment by a dermatologist starts with an evaluation of your symptoms and an analysis of the cells that are the source of the inflammation. The doctor will then employ an assortment of treatments, such as anti-inflammatory medications that you take orally, use topically and receive by injection.
It’s not unusual if you feel depressed or anxious about having AA. It’s easy to understand why baldness in patches or all over your scalp would make you feel self-conscious and sad. In fact, the National Institute of Mental Health reports that people with long-standing AA are at a higher risk of depression.
When you need a dermatology practice to treat your AA or any other skin issue, look no further than Dermatology for the Family. We offer an extensive menu of high-quality services for people of all ages. For more information about our how we can help you, please contact us today.